
Let's heal epilepsy together
Meet Levi and Gianna, two of the half a million children who suffer from epilepsy in America.
Meet Levi and Gianna, two of the half a million children who suffer from epilepsy in America.
We are two mom's of children with epilepsy and other complex medical issues.
We hope this website can be a resource for any person or family of a loved one on their journey with epilepsy.
It is a way for us to share our story and let you know you are not alone.
The more we talk about epilepsy, the more we will raise awareness for this devastating neurological disorder.
Please use this page as a stepping stone to finding
helpful resources. But don't stop here.
There is so much information out there to help you on your journey. Search key words on your favorite search engine, like Google or on your favorite social media platform like Facebook, Tik Tok and Instagram.
Not all seizures are convulsive – there are many types of seizures that a person might experience. Some signs can even appear to be normal behavior and may last a very short time.
WE ARE NOT DOCTORS AND This website does not offer medical advice.
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